Inspired by the activist and green party founder Petra Kelly – a woman who transformed history, only to find herself caught up in a triangle of love, jealousy and murder. Read more…

Petra is a masterpiece – a fierce, humane and powerful novel for our times.”
—Madeleine Thien, winner, Giller Prize, for Do Not Say We Have Nothing

“A miracle of a novel.”
—Joan Thomas, winner, Governor General’s award for Five Wives

“A brilliantly realized and compelling novel. Shaena Lambert raises historical questions that haunt us all.”
—Wayne Grady, author of Up from Freedom and Emancipation Day

“I am deeply impressed by how the author describes the main character of her novel Petra with piercing empathy from various perspectives, both fictional and real, and seeks to understand and to penetrate to her core.”
—Lukas Beckmann, co-founder of the German Green Party and a close colleague of Petra Kelly

“Heartfelt and vital…it kept me up at night”
—Bill Gaston, author of The Mariner’s Guide to Self-Sabotage and Just Let me Look at You

“As a work of historical fiction, Petra brings Kelly herself—and the radical green utopias she advocated—to the fore in a way that no biography or work of scholarship yet has.”
—Stephen Milder, The Boston Review [read full review here]


Shaena Lambert is an acclaimed novelist, short story writer and teacher — author of two novels and two short story collections.


Shaena and daughter arrested for crossing the police barrier at the Kinder Morgan (now Trans Mountain) pipeline facility